Los Angeles Teachers’ Strike Creates Interest in Teacher Guardian

LA Teachers' StrikeThe teachers’ strike in Los Angeles has created a lot of interest in Teacher Guardian from teachers that are dissatisfied with how UTLA is handling the labor process and the decision to strike. Many teachers have looked into alternatives to their existing union representation and some have found Teacher Guardian.

For a fraction of the price of their UTLA dues, teachers can get the peace of mind and the security of having superior representation just a phone call away.  If a Teacher Guardian member is the subject of a student or parent complaint, or they are being singled out by an administrator and investigated for discipline, one phone call gets that teacher in direct communication with an experienced attorney and in person representation throughout any administrative process.

The issues involved in the strike are many and complex. No teacher agrees or disagrees completely with how UTLA has handled the process. However, for those teachers that have significant and irreconcilable differences with UTLA, their policies, or their methods, there are alternatives to ensure individual representation. Teacher Guardian is ready to serve teachers and earn and retain their trust.